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    Thursday 13 November 2008

    The Bond Ultimatum

    Last week I went to see the new Bond movie, or should I say "Bond" movie. There's not much of James Bond left in "Bond" movies anymore.

    I preferred the old James Bond movies, with a fancy gadgets and evil villains trying to kill our hero in elaborate and ineffective ways. It was supposed to be trash, and that was it's charm. That's why it survived so many years and sequels.

    This one, I'm afraid doesn't have any James Bond spirit left. The lead character is played by Daniel Craig (again, to my surprise) great actor maybe, but not a James Bond. He's lacking the class, charm and pretty much everything that Bond is supposed to be. All of that is replaced by thug's face, muscles and lots of testosterone. Really, Daniel Craig would be a great Bond opponent, but is a miserable Bond.

    The evil character is equally lame. Does he try to take over the Earth, does he have a secret lair, or a space station, or at least a submarine? NO. He's a business man trying to take over Bolivian water industry. Ooooh, it's so EVIL!

    If they called this movie Marry Poppins 003 - it wouldn't make any difference. They even cut the Bond Theme out (almost, there were some miserable attempts to link the soundtrack with the theme, but they were rather failed), why? They obviously try to change the JB image, but why just not to change the name too and make a different movie? Why try to spoil something that was an icon for the last 55 years?

    Additionally, what's with the Bourne plagiarism? - some of the scenes from the Quantum of Solace were almost unchanged versions of action scenes from Bourne Ultimatum. They obviously tried to top the Bourne Trilogy - pity (?) that they failed miserably...

    So... if your looking for a classic James Bond - that movie is not for you. If you however, want to see action scenes from the Bourne Ultimatum again (and again), with Daniel Craig's face pasted in - that's just the thing for you. And if you're not interested in the weak back story - don't worry - you can sleep through most of the movie without loosing the plot. At least I did...

    Bond Ultimatum