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    Monday 26 January 2009

    She’s a WITCH!

    I’ve seen some comedy program on BBC recently (well, recently – more like two weeks ago, been planning to write about it sooner but I’m a really slow writer). I don’t really know what it was – I’ve seen only a small fragment during breakfast. One of the sketches made me laugh like a drain and I couldn’t stop laughing for the rest of the day. The skit takes place in a small local shop. Only one till, with bored and  cheesed off saleswoman. Quite a long queue of people with baskets is waiting. The first person in a queue is a man dressed in medieval clothes (no one seems to be noticing anything strange). Cashier bills his shopping (just perfectly normal everyday shopping). Man takes out his wallet and gives her a coupon.

    - I’ve got a coupon for the fabric softener.

    - We don’t take those.

    - Oh, but it says on the coupon.

    - We don’t take those.

    - But it…

    Saleswoman gives him a exasperated look. Poor guy is obviously intimidated, he looks helplessly at other people in the shop, no one seems to be interested. Suddenly he raises his hand, points at the woman and shouts:

    - She’s a WITCH!

    Immediately angry medieval peasants with forks and torches show up in the shop and take the woman outside, chanting: “She’s a witch, burn the witch!” Man looks at the other customers in the queue and explains:

    - I had a coupon.

    THE END.

    That really made my day. Possibly because it’s so real. Sometimes you’re so helpless that shouting “You’re a witch!” at the unhelpful helpdesk employee or rude bank manager seems to be only option left. Don’t you wish sometimes to be that man. To point and shout “She’s a witch!”?

    Because I do.

    I do all the time.