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    Thursday 8 January 2009

    Random drunk post

    Sometimes (read, every time i go to the Student’s Union) I wonder why is SU still standing. I mean really, with the amount of cheese they put on, they should be already ate by mice. Especially, remembering that SU is presently just an overgrown tent. And, I suppose Wednesdays are always a special case anyway. Score! – here you can get drunk with the cheapest purple ever and then “enjoy” the crappiest music you’ve ever heard. Every time I go, I promise myself it’s the last time – and then I go again anyway (read, PhD’s life is so sad you have to use every occasion you have to get drunk).

    So - what is the “Score!”? – you may ask. Well, every Wednesday  in the Student Union (read, Temporary Entertainment Structure aka. TES aka. Big Tent on a Field) all the sports clubs have an occasion to bond, get drunk and throw up in a spirit of competition (which club will pass out first). The Circles start at 6pm with an happy hour until 7-7.30pm (Purple just £1, but only max. 3 pints per person). So until 8pm everybody is already reasonably intoxicated and lots of people is already far beyond being reasonable. Music doesn’t start until 9pm, which is a good thing, ‘cause at this time you don’t really care anymore. But if you came to the Score! for the music and you’re a fan of Dr. Alban, Las Ketchup, Aqua and Britney Spears that’s the time for you. I’m really not picky when it comes to club music, especially if I’m drunk, but please, have mercy! But… that’s still not the end. If you have survived the happy hour and then two hour of cheesy music, at 11pm SU have another treat for you. Live band! Wow! Today it was S Club 3 (what?! – S Club 3? – I mean, there was S Club 7 in the 90’s, but S Club 3?). Well, if you haven’t heard, after having few No. 1 (whatever) hits in 1999 band has broken apart one by one (I suppose it was S Club 6 for a while, then S Club 5, etc.) Well, after 10 years (gosh, I still can’t believe it’s 2009) it’s only S Club 3 left, meaning that last three members (losers) of the band just couldn’t find anything better to do than to sing to a band of drunk jocks (and cheerleaders) at random student clubs.

    What happened next I can’t tell you – because after two songs I couldn’t stand it any longer and I left. Obviously I haven’t drunk enough today (fact I’m writing this and my spelling is actually not that bad, confirms this).

    What I can tell you for sure; I’m definitely not going to the next score!





    cause I have a surgery on Thurs :D


    Anonymous said...

    Very surprised to learn they are still going. Obviously hard up for cash at present. Appalling spelling mistake on their website is also amusing ;-)