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    Wednesday, 10 September 2008

    Donkey with a hernia

    Yesterday I've got a mysterious form from our fabulous National Health Service. I must admit I found it somehow difficult to fill, so I've ask for help at my local NHS Health Centre. Lady at the counter was unable to help me and advised to call NHS office in Coventry. So I did. After being pushed from one person to another, all unable to explain their own form, I was connected to the lady who send it in a first place. She was very surprised that someone found the form difficult.

    NHS Form - filled

    Well I'm putting the form, filled according to suggestions from my some of my friends. Decide for yourself if it makes any sense or not.


    BTW. If anyone asks - my door squeak, making a sound like donkey with a hernia.

    Monday, 8 September 2008

    Back to the childhood

    This weekend I did few things I haven't done since ages.

    First, I've bought a bike. I haven't been riding a bike since I was 14 or so. And I have completely forgotten how much fun that was. At first I wasn't that happy about it at all. It was pouring down with rain and I had completely no idea how to get from the "Centre" to the Campus. But then despite the odds I started enjoying it. After all if you put 15 stones on a bike down the hill is pretty fast... I came back home wet, covered in mud but really happy.

    Other thing I haven't done in ages was eating in McDonald's. I don't really like junk food so I usually avoid it. But  this time I just really craved a BigMac. There's something reassuring in fact that whenever you go to McDonald's, in whichever country you are, it will always taste the same. I suppose it reminds me times when I was a kid and my mum came to see me on Christmas or some other holiday, we usually went there, because it was my favourite place to eat.

    In the evening I've accidentally stumbled upon site hosting old ALF episodes. Do you remember ALF? Furry, bad mannered little alien that everyone loved in the 80s? Another memory from my childhood. ALF sounds a little funny not speaking German - but I suppose it's just me.

    Yup. That was a good weekend. Pity now it's Monday and back to work.

    Friday, 5 September 2008

    Pretty and stupid


    Did you ever wonder how it is to be pretty? I mean really pretty. Mélissa Theuriau pretty. The kind of pretty, you look at the person and think they must be dumb because they're too pretty to be smart?

    It must be awesome!

    If you're smart, you can use your appearance to make your life easy (at least that's what I would do). If you're dumb... well , it's even better - look at all the celebrities!  You wouldn't need a degree, you could just be an underwear model!

    Smart and ugly people's lives are  so complicated. All the education and hard work. And only to be told, "you better don't go into dark street or you may scare someone". Thanks Giles.

    Well, I still have two years of my PhD to go. And then I'm set up to develop my career as a life guard in Antigua (or similar place).


    When life gets you down, remember. You could always be dumb and ugly!

    Thursday, 4 September 2008

    Beaten dog


    Do you ever see something that you know you can't afford and most likely won't be ever able to afford? I have it quite often (No, I'm not dirty poor, I just have expensive cravings!). When it happens I usually make this weird sound, kind of like a dog hurt by his owner with no reason. I can't help it - it just happens.

    Well I did it today again. I was just coming back from Tesco, (dirty poor) when I saw white Audi TT Coupe on the Petrol Station. The owner looked like typical bureaucrat (possibly accountant) in midlife crisis. Gosh, he doesn't deserve this car. I do!


    Wednesday, 3 September 2008

    Take that Firefox users!

    Doesn't Firefox users annoy you, with their smug little faces and superiority complex? Well take that Firefox users:


    Firefox Myths


    Proud user of Opera and (recently more and more) IE7.

    Monday, 1 September 2008

    Am I an insane exhibitionist?!


    Do you ever listen to one song over and over again? I do. A lot. According to WinAmp my record is somewhere around 300 times. Does it make me insane or just slightly weird? I suppose I'm just obsessive type.

    Why exhibitionist? I don't really know why. Recently I'm being Facebook stalked by my supervisor. (Creepy, I can't use Facebook at work anymore :D). In answer  to my question about his Facebook activities he replied there's no point in being exhibitionist if nobody's watching :).

    I don't know how extensive his "stalking" is, but in case...

    Hi, Pete!

    And no, I don't really use Facebook at work :D.


    Something I've just found on GraphJam, I'm not an engineer but close enough.


    song chart memes
    more graph humour and song chart memes